Friday, October 11, 2013

On-line reflection 1: Islamic Architecture in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Era: (Person- Islam as way of life)

Lecture 1 

I have open my mind into learning the relationship of ISLAM and ARCHITECTURE.
In the beginning of this course, I'd understanding the HISTORY of ISLAM and EXIST of The Holy Prophet (SAW). 

Human, Countries, the Earth, even Satelite, Moon, Star, Planet, Galaxy and The Universe ; are believing created by  ALLAH (AWJ/SWT).  

The most gracious, merciful and auspicious: 
He (Allah) in Whose control is the entire kingship; and He is Able to do all the things. The One Who created life and death to test you, who among you has the better deeds; and He only is the Most Honourable, The Oft Forgiving. The One Who created the seven heavens atop each other; do you see any discrepancy in the creation of The Most Gracious? Therefore lift your gaze (to the sky) – do you see any cracks? Then lift your gaze again, your gaze will return towards you, unsuccessful and weak. Surah al-Mulk. (Verse 1-4).

What is Islamic Architecture?
  • Expression of Faith
  • Looking Heavenwards
  • Divine Present/Acknowledge of The Almighty Allah
  • Conceive with Devotion- > just glorified
  • shelter fr sun/rain/wind
  • Religious Conviction
  • Place a premium on Reasons – the Feelings of God Magnificence does not Defy Rational Explanation 

  What is the Definition of Islamic Architecture?
  • Architecture inspired by The Glorious Allah
  • Architecture to realize the Pillars of Islam
  • Architecture as Pursuit of Knowledge
  • Architecture as Pursuit of Beauty
All inseparable as Allah source of all- Readily appreciated by human Mind &Eyes
  • Architecture guided by Al Mighty Allah
  • Architecture according to Sharia’: Al-Quran, Al- Hadith & Ijtihad Ulama’ 

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